About Me
$ whois ticoombs
Querying https://slowb.ro/about-me ...
Name: Tim Coombs
Ideals: Decentralisation, Open Source, Coding, Security, Gaming, Chocolate.
Main Language(s): Python/Bash
Familiar: RoR/PHP/JS/PS/Shell
Strengths: Server Automation/CICD/Ansible/Packer
### Contact:
Email: blog-contact@slowb.ro
Mastodon: ticoombs@fosstodon.org || Web: https://fosstodon.org/@ticoombs
GPG Key: https://slowb.ro/static/gpg-public-key.txt
GPG Sig: 3B181DEE3C4316F8067B30E2BE1016E60899D5F6
Random thought: "I wonder how I could automate this..."
Over the past years I’ve designed and implemented automated build pipelines for deployments, streamlined business reporting processes, and implemented backup and restore automation systems.
For personal reasons (mainly data control and privacy), there are no external services, CDNs or “cloud services”, and the only javascript you will find while visiting this blog will be relating to our comments system Isso
. Which fits within my model of controlling who has access to said data.
For personal projects I try and avoid the big cloud hosts, and use the “little guys”, or third parties with good privacy ideals, (tor friendly for example).
This blog itself is using Jekyll. The technology that powers the blog & server are:
- Traefik (Frontend Proxy for containers)
- Nginx container for Jekyll files & static files
- Gitea for git hosting
Woodpecker-CI for automated testing & soon automated deployments- Acme.sh (Lets Encrypt Certificate Renewals)
- Services deployed via Ansible in Docker containers
New in 2022+
- isso comment system for this blog
- OpenNIC resolvers
- Minecraft Servers
- 0x1a.ro file hoster
New in 2023+
- Removal of Woodpecker-CI
- Gitea Runners for CI/CD
- Tor Onion(s)
If you wish to see how they are deployed. All code has been open sourced via my git server here
While in my profession life I:
- Manage our AWS & Azure infrastructure (soon to be GCP as well!)
- Respond to customer requests for security questions & audits.
- Support 100+ employees for our ASX backed company.
- Enjoy automating my colleagues repetitive tasks